The Panasonic 3DO had some amazing games released for it including Gex, Road Rash, Need for Speed, Wolfenstein 3D and Street Fighter 2. Why not tell me your favourite 3DO games in the comments section below and share your memories of the console also please like comment and subscribe as there will be plenty more Top 10 video game countdowns on the way.
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Game Tags
32-bit, 3DO, Atari Jaguar, Games Console, Gaming, Genesis, Mega Drive, N64, Platformers, Playstation, Sega Saturn, Snes, Super Street Fighter 2 3DO, Top 10, Top 25, Video Games, Wolfenstein 3D
Where is PO’ED? the best game for 3DO system, jetpack, rocket launcher with remote rockets…. AI enemy at the last level…
i loved my 3do i got it wail it wasn’t super new but still state of the art for a bit NFS Street fighter showdown samurai the chopper games where my main games
i loved it i remeber seeing it at the mal asa kid and they let me play it at eb store i forget what ti was called and theni think i went to the the ps1
noob top…
While i admire that the creator is spreading the word on one of my favorite and most under rated consoles ever, the 3DO. But after watching the video i have to call into question weather they have actually even played a 3DO. Some of the games on the list are odd, most of the games on the list are just games that were on every other console at the time, no exclusive titles met your fancy? But ill leave that to personal preference and tastes. But for a lot of the games on your list, you don’t even show footage of the actual 3DO versions of the game. Wolf3D, you showed the old PC version, not the far far superior 3DO version, that had way better graphics, and an original and amazing soundtrack. Need For Speed, you showed footage of the much faster playing PS1 version, not the original 3DO version. So thanks for spreading the word on the 3DO, and i gave you a thumbs up, but something tells me you have never owned or actually played one.
Battle Sport my friens!!!
Starfighter , SpaceHulk , so many amazing games on this system .
Also it won the best technology award , the year after the Jaguar won it. In other words , the Jag was stripped of the award !
I remember playing the mask and killing time on this console, best times ever
unreal / doom dos game music
Street fighter looked fire on 3do. Damn man