Nintendo’s first disc based system the Nintendo GameCube featured some amazing games including Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart: Double dash and many more. Why not tell me your favourite games in the comments section below and please like and subscribe as there will be plenty more gaming countdowns on the way.
Game Tags
128-bit, 6th Console Genaration, Eternal darkness: Sanity's Requiem, F-Zero GX, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Games Consoles, Gaming, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Metal gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Metroid Prime, Microsoft, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Pikmin, PlayStation 2, PS2, Resident Evil 4, Sega Dreamcast, Soul Calibur II, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros.Melee, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Video Games, Xbox
Great List. I played a lot of resident evil 4 on the pc. Metroid prime is very good, mario games too. Congratulations on the video.
Game Genie Thanks 🙂
Awesome list. Only additions and trades I would have made would be to add Skies of Arcadia Legends and Ikaruga to Honorable mention list and I would have put Zelda Twilight Princess in Sanity’s place. I prefer the Gamecube version waaay over the Wii version.
Gametourny 4ever Thanks 🙂
I liked your list. Luigi’s Mansion never played. Mario Kart is very good. Paper Mario and Supe Smash Bros. I only played on the N64, I did not know I had the Game Cube. Super Mario Sunshine and Zelda played little but they are good. Now Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime really are the best. I think I missed mentioning Wario World, Viewtiful Joe, Super Mario Strikes and Pokemon Colosseum.
Canal Win Thanks 🙂
Resident evil 4 was the best choice
Love that game
Just one them games u can continue to replay again and again
youre absolutely right dude. I cant forget this game and his atmosphere
Wow no dislike?? This is a first
1st is Legend of Zelda Twinlight Princess…
F Zero GX is number one for me