The N64 had some amazing games released for it including Mario 64, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie and many moreWhy not share your Nintendo 64 Memories or favourite games in the comments section below. Also please like and subscribe as there’s plenty more Gaming countdown videos on the way.
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32-bit, 64-bit, Console gaming, Donkey Kong, Fifth Generation, Gaming, Mario, Nintendo, Playstation, Sega, Video Games, Zelda
GoldenEye is awesome and the multyplayer was fun
super mario 64 also another good one
that reminds me I need to continue playing conkers bad fur day its funny
was surprised the game got released on 64 due to the swearing and a lot of it
Thanks:) yeah I love Golden Eye and Mario 64 as for Conkers Nintendo pretty much disowned that game and refused to advertise it due to its bad language etc that why it didn’t sell very well and is rare and expensive today. The N64 version is the way to go though as the Xbox remake got sensored due to Microsoft panicking over the hot coffee mod controversey in GTA San Andreas. Not sure if it got sensored in the rare replay on XBox one though but as it’s just an emulated version of the original Xbox version I’m gonna assume so.
+wizzgamer its the 64 version which is good as otherwise its expensive ..
True they also ruined the multiplayer in the remake on original Xbox and Xbox One.
Lovely stuff, no real surprises here, I will Ocarani again one day. Just started playing Majora’s Mask and played through PerfectDark again in the recent past (made a video on the cooleset weapons). I found that Goldeneye has aged very badly, but Perfect Dark is still very good indeed. Nice channel you have here sir.
Thanks the N64 is probably nintendo’s last great home console.
+wizzgamer Absolutely, the GC and Wii were good but the N64 was truly great. It’s interesting you think that the Switch will be flop, I reckon there’s a really good buzz about it, the like of which not seen with a console release for a long time.
I think it’s going to flop as it’s a little expensive for a handheld device at £279.99/$299 it also appears to have limited 3rd party support which is what killed the Wii U and also killed handhelds from the past like the Atari Lynx. They also seem to be marketing the device poorly. Another point is 50% of people prefer to download games rather than buy physical and it only has 32gb onboard storage it does have a micro sd cart port but considering AAA games are going to be over 30gb on average alone going up to 50-60GB your going to need a 512gb micro sd to store games which don’t come cheap. Luckily I always go physical so won’t affect me but as I say around 50% of gamers that go digital are going to have a problem with storage so it may put some people off. I won’t be getting this on launch that’s for sure.
Ocarina of Time and Majoras mask are still my favorite games ever made… just the feeling of playing them has stayed with me for all these years. As a little kid, it was so exciting and fascinating in a spooky but good kind of way. Ocarina was the first one I played and it took me and my friends months to beat it (because I’d wait for Friday so we can play it together). When I got Majoras Mask I was so excited and it was also an amazing game. My friends said they didn’t like it as much but I can’t choose between the two. Both were fantastic and I feel Majoras mask took those darker elements of fantasy which I enjoyed so much in the first one and made them even more prominent throughout the entire game.
I agree 2 of the greatest games ever made.
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, is a tremendous game and is not in this top…
I’ve heard great things about that game recently and will definitely add it to my collection at some point.
that good times with the nintendo 64 those star fox games mario kart, banjo kazooie, super smash bros, super mario 64, goldeneye, donkey kong 64 and the zelda game were a lot of fun than good times
N64 will alway be remembered for the system that made our favourite games 3D for the first time, Mario and Zelda, ocarina of time was absolutely brilliant.
Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 for liiiife!
Perfect Dark was even better than GoldenEye.
No Turok 2 even in Honorable Mentions?
Wave Race 64 was a killer launch game.
Then 1080 Snowboarding.
Both were made by Shigero Miyamoto.