Limited Run Games is a publisher that releases digital only games in very limited Physical quantity on PS4 and PS Vita including some really top quality titles including Shantae, Oddworld Shadow Complex and many more. Why not tell me your favourite games published by Limited Run or tell me what digital only games you would like to see them give a physical print run in the comments section below also please hit that subscribe button for more Top 10 videos as there will be plenty more on the way.
Check out Limited Run Games website here to see their upcoming releases. https://limitedrungames.com/
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Collectible games, Game Consoles, Gaming, Limited Games, Limited Run, Nintendo, Platformers, PS Vita, PS1, PS4, Rare Games, Scalpers, Sega, Shantae, Sony, Video Games, Volume
Hi i am Brazil hueheue , u were u from , like man = D
marcos vander Num mon num mon cuuuu
I would like the Wii digital exclusive Contra: Rebirth and the fabulous XBOX 360 LIVE digital-only arcade game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time Reshelled, to be next on Limited Run’s to do list for the PSVita.
NYCJoeBlack Add Sonic Mania to that list too.
Retro City Rampage?
This list is only including games published by Limited Run Games although I see where you’r coming from as that did have a limited physical release.
good grief, the music you use at the beginning and in between each game is simply awful.
I had to mute the video, its that bad.
I actually enjoyed the music
a list without windjammers, thimbleweed park or jak or night trap? tragedy…….
I’m currently playing Thimbleweed Park, and I’m loving it. Partly because of the Maniac Mansion nostalgia and vibes (and references).
Its 5 years old
Republic Commando. Sad
Skullgirls was from Limited Run Games? I got that on ebay. And it doesn’t show the Limited Run Games logo anywhere on it.
Not sure what the reason was why Limited Run isn’t on the case but type in Skull Girls Limited Run into Google and it will come up its on their sold page.
@@wizzgamer Okay, I figured it out. I messaged Limited Run Games out of curiosity to this situation, and apparently they did a PS4 and Vita release of Skull Girls 2nd Encore, but not a Switch version. The one I have is for the Switch. Which explains why there’s no Limited Run logo. ; )
@@jaym5118 Makes Sense.