Nintendo’s first colour handheld the Game Boy Color features some of the greatest handheld games of all time including Wario Land III, Pokemon, Zelda Link’s Awakening DX and many more. Why not tell me your favourite Game Boy Color games or share your memories of the Game Boy Color in the comments section below. Also please like comment and subscribe as there’s plenty more Top 10 gaming videos on the way.
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Game Tags
8-bit, Gaming, GBA, Kirby, Mario, N64, NES, Nintendo DS, Playstation, Portable, PS Vita, PSP, Sega, Sega Game Gear, Snes, Video Games
great list dude. I got to play them 🙂
I like the mention to turok 2, great game. I would mention rayman too.
Glad I’m not the only one that loved Turok 2 on Gameboy.
Rayman just missed out on an honorable mention due to Mario Bros Deluxe.
I see you’re quite the Pokemon fan. Can’t say the same for myself, but your lists are pretty spot on IMO. They deserve more views.
skins4thewin Thanks 🙂
Nice list bro.
I really like the fact that you put a Pokemon game is number one. Me personally would have included Kirby and Tetris somewhere in the list but still good
Tray G Thanks 🙂 yep the Game Boy Color had the best ever version of Pokemon that will probably never be topped. Tetris is great too but was just a coloured version of the original Game Boy version.
Great list… and I enjoy the song in between games.
Great list but few missing. Wario Land 1 , Micromachines, Castlevania…
Thanks all those games you’ve mentioned where released on the original Game Boy so couldn’t be included on this Game Boy Color list. I have a Top 10 original Game Boy games video on my channel you might find them there.
Wacky Races, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Daffy Duck Fowl Play and BattleTanx are all underappreciated games I enjoyed on the Game Boy Color.