The 3D Platformer is a highly popular genre featuring some of the greatest game of all time including Mario 64, banjo Kazooie and many more why not tell me your favourite 3D platformers in the comments section below and please like comment and subscribe as there will be plenty more Top 10 gaming countdowns on the way.
Game Tags
Banjo Kazzoie, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Crash Bandcoot, Crash bandicoot: Warped, Donkey Kong 64, Gaming, Jak and Daxter, Jet Set Radio, Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Platforming, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Psychonauts, Rareware, Ratchet and Clank, Rayman 2, Sega, Sly Cooper, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spyro the Dragon, Super Mario, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Video Games
Hey, good selection. I wonder if you have a minute to check out this game https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/foxic-adventure/id1451999491 its for an iPad
Predictable shit. No voice over. Waste of time.
Lol SM64 honorable mention? I don’t think I personally can take this list seriously…to each their own though
My top 5:
5) Super Mario Odyssey or Galaxy 2
4) Crash Bandicoot 2 (I prefer 2 to 3 because of level-design)
3) Super Mario Galaxy
2) Banjo-Kazooie
1) Super Mario 64 (it innovated or even created full-3d platforming, amazing levels)
1 is because of nostalgia the game if it was released now wouldnt stand up to the likes of SMO: sm64 but better
Battle for Bikini Bottom?
Spyro better than banjo. Fuck right off!!!
This video came out before SM Odyssey. I’m sure it be at the top. Odyssey is like the best Mario game ever and I’m born the year Mario came out in 85. Galaxy 2 would be very close but cappy changed the game for me breaking the game from mere powerups and new donk city will forever be one of the best mario stages.
This list is so dehydrated. Where is Battle for Bikini Bottom? Shrek 2? And many others. They didn’t even get a honorable mention smh
My TOP 10:
Super Mario 64
That’s all
I can’t really do a top 10 so
Here are my top 4 favourite 3D platformers
4. Super Mario 64
3. Conker: live and reloaded (if you consider it one)
2. Banjo kazooie
1. Banjo tooie
Ah yeah, Conker’s Bad Fur Day. The game with a joke about suicide. Also includes: sexism, and so on. Ages very well (so does the gameplay, just kidding).